Alabama Butterfly Atlas

The Alabama Butterfly Atlas needs your help!

We invite you to support our mission of maintaining, updating, and improving this unique and comprehensive educational resource. Your donation—no matter the size—plays a crucial role in making this possible. 

Help Alabama's Butterflies

Explore Alabama's Butterflies

Scientific Name

Common Name



Geographic Region

Public Lands

Atlas News & Announcements

Help us reach our annual goal of $2,750 in donations!  Click the red "Help Alabama's Butterflies" button to contribute today! 


We want to hear from you!  Send comments, suggestions, and corrections to


The Alabama Butterfly Atlas (ABA) collects, interprets, and shares information about Alabama’s butterfly populations for the purpose of education and conservation.  It puts science-based information into the hands of those who need it—students and teachers, gardeners, conservationists, and green space planners across the state.

Access life history accounts, distribution maps, photographs of each life cycle stage, host plant lists, gardening tips, and flight charts—all specific to Alabama.  Search for information about a particular species or look at species lists from specific counties, regions, or selected public lands.  Learn more about the plants on which butterflies depend through live linkage to the Alabama Plant Atlas.

Citizen scientists of all ages are encouraged to share their sightings and observations. Submit records to Click the "How to Submit" button for instructions.


University of South Florida

USF - Water Institute

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Samford University

University of West Alabama (UWA) Logo

University of West Alabama - UWA

Wild South Logo

Wild South

Legacy Logo

University of South Florida - USF

Legacy Logo

University of South Florida - USF