Alabama Butterfly Atlas

Butterfly: Wingspan: 1 - 1¾ inches (2.8 - 4.4 cm). UPPER SURFACE (dorsal) Dark brown. Small cluster of tiny white spots near forewing tip; distinctive pale brown/tan patch beside spot cluster. Hindwing sparsely dotted. Female lighter and more heavily patterned. UNDER SURFACE (ventral) Forewing mirrors upper surface. Hindwing very dark with some spotting. White wing fringe.

ID Tip: Look for bright white fringe on the hindwings of a dark, spread-wing skipper.

Egg: Creamy white when laid; turns pale orange. A sphere with numerous longitudinal ridges. Laid on or near new growth.

Caterpillar: Light green with pale lateral stripe. Body covered with numerous minute white dots. Head brown and rimmed on either side with three yellow-orange spots. Collar indistinct. First three pairs of legs (thoracic) are pale. Mature caterpillars overwinter.

Chrysalis: Green to brownish with a single small dark dot on either side of head portion. Together, the dots appear to be eyes.

Funereal Duskywing is a very hardy and adaptable species. Home base is the southwestern United States and Mexico, but these duskywings are nomads: for the past several years, they have routinely been spotted throughout the eastern United States—including Alabama.  Since 2014, there have been yearly reports from Baldwin County. In 2018, there were sightings in 4 different counties, ranging from Baldwin all the way to Jackson. A recent study indicates that Funereal Duskywings probably establish small seasonal breeding colonies as they travel, so ovipositing behavior should be carefully checked for in Alabama. 

Funereal Duskywing is the only species in our area with distinctly white hindwing fringes. Although Funereals are very similar to Zarucco Duskywings in appearance, (some sources consider them to be a single species), the white fringe that is present on both males and females sets them apart. Female Zaruccos have light hindwing fringe, but it is buffy rather than white. The Funereal forewing is also narrower than that of similar species. For this reason, in his monumental book The Butterflies of North America, James Scott calls it the “Streamlined Duskywing.” 

Distribution and Abundance

A dot on the county map indicates that there is at least one documented record of the species within that county. In some cases, a species may be common throughout the county, in others it may be found in only a specific habitat. The High Count information shows the highest numbers recorded for this species as well as when and where they occurred.

The sightings bar graphs depict the timing of flight(s) within each of three geographic regions. Place your cursor on a bar within the graph to see the number of individuals recorded during that period.

The abundance calendar displays the total number of individuals recorded within each week of the month. Both the graphs and the calendar are on based data collection that began in 2000.

The records analyzed here are only a beginning. As more data is collected, these maps and graphs will paint a more accurate picture of distribution and abundance in Alabama. Submit your sightings to

Sightings in the following counties: Baldwin, Jefferson, Madison, Marshall, Mobile

  • Map Symbol for Recent Sightings Sightings in the past 5 years
  • Map Symbol for Semi-Recent Sightings Sightings in the past 5 - 10 years
  • Map Symbol for Old Sightings Sightings more than 10 years ago

High count(s):

  • 4 - Baldwin - 7/23/2015
  • 1 - Baldwin - 10/18/2014
  • 1 - Baldwin - 10/3/2015
County Distribution Map

View county names by moving the mouse over a county or view a map with county names

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1


A wide variety including woodland edges, brushy fields, dirt roads, and suburban flower gardens. In the western U.S., it even inhabits deserts. Because it is a vagrant in Alabama, it could be found almost anywhere.

Host and Nectar Plants

Reports from other states list many species of legumes including New Mexican Locust (Robinia neomexicana), Bur Clover (Medicago hispida), Deerweed (Lotus scoparius), Desert Ironwood (Olneya tesota); indigos (Indigofera spp.), vetches (Vicia spp), and Rattlebush (Sesbania drummondii). 

No host plant has been documented in Alabama. Because Funereal and Zarucco Duskywings are so closely related, the same host plants may be used.